Sunday, January 24, 2016

My First 16in2016 Project!

... It's a hurricane hat!


I made this hat almost 6 years ago, and remembered how easy and fast it knit up. When I was frustrated with my Marlene socks last week, I was fantasizing about an easy, quick knit, so I banged this out in a day. I used some nice Madelintosh that I had in my stash from a failed design.

The only problem? I have no idea what to do with it.

I need to send W a package, I have a series of books I think he's like and a flash drive of hedgehog photos. I guess I'll send him this, too. If he's still wearing his old hat, it might be a little worn by now. Maybe he needs a new one. Maybe he'll just throw it out. Doesn't mean I didn't have a good time knitting it.

Anyway, I'm happy to cross off something from my 16in2016 list!
  1. Knit something for charity.
  2. Knit something just for yourself.
  3. Knit something you can finish in a weekend. Then spend the weekend working on it!
  4. Knit something that's been in your queue forever. (Can be a Ravelry queue or just something you've been wanting to try.)
  5. Knit something and then yarn bomb somewhere! (Be sure to get permission. I'm going to do something on my own property.)
  6. Knit something that uses a technique you've never done before.
  7. Knit something silly.
  8. Knit something to give to someone as a thank-you. Everyone has someone that they can thank for something!
  9. Knit something useful.
  10. Knit something that uses a vintage pattern. 
  11. Knit something that uses game knitting
  12. Knit something from a pattern you tried before but gave up on.
  13. Knit something from a pattern that you tried before and loved.
  14. Knit something that uses indie yarn.
  15. Knit something with someone else (through a knit along, mystery knit, etc.)
  16. Knit something from a pattern that you buy. Spend money on a book, magazine, or independent pattern!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - 2016 Week 3

3 Weeks into the Year! Whoa. Here's the status of my projects.

1. I finished my first 16in2016 project! I'm going to post about it later this week.

2. My little design is coming along well... Bunny mittens! (In the same vein as Kitten Mittens, hehe)

3. Added a square to the blanket! If I knit a square a week, I will some day finish. That's the level of project management on this baby right now. I just work on it when I can in the car.

4. My first sock is growing! Hoping to turn the heel this week.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I'm doing Whole30! Here's how my first week went...

 My friend Alysia and I decided to convince our significant others and eachother to try the Whole30 challenge. It's 30 days of clean eating - and it supposedly changes people's lives. I figured I'd record my experience somewhere, and why not here?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - 2016 Week 2

I really like reading Gracey's Stitch Along Wednesday, so I figured I'd link up! :)

Right now my three projects are:

1.) A new design for mittens! I'm really excited about it. I haven't really started. But I have the plan!

2.) My color block blanket that I got into a bind in. I laid it out and did some frogging. It hurt. I wish I could say it was like lancing an abscess, and the hurt was fast. But it was more like peeling the bandage off a bad cut that should've gotten stitches, but instead you decided to wait until the clinic was open the next day and now you feel like a dummy. Not that I recently cut my thumb cooking or anything...


3.) My first 16in2016 project!


I decided to start the year off by knitting something for myself. I've had this knit.1 magazine since I first started blogging, because it had all these designers that I looked up to. Well, I went to ravelry page and... there's errata?

But the website doesn't mention any errata!

But the pattern page says there's errata!? I'm so anxious. Am I doing something wrong? What do I do? The projects are not helpful in this regard. So, for now, I'm at an impasse. Will update as new information becomes available.

Monday, January 11, 2016

16 Things to Knit in 2016

All right, so I had a bit of a bum-session thinking about how little I worked in 2015. I did lots of other stuff, but not a lot of knitting. So I'm going to really challenge myself this year, so I made this little contest for myself. It'd be really fun if other people joined me, but obviously it's not required. :P

Without further ado...
  1. Knit something for charity.
  2. Knit something just for yourself.
  3. Knit something you can finish in a weekend. Then spend the weekend working on it!
  4. Knit something that's been in your queue forever. (Can be a Ravelry queue or just something you've been wanting to try.)
  5. Knit something and then yarn bomb somewhere! (Be sure to get permission. I'm going to do something on my own property.)
  6. Knit something that uses a technique you've never done before.
  7. Knit something silly. (There are so many possibilities!)
  8. Knit something to give to someone as a thank-you. Everyone has someone that they can thank for something!
  9. Knit something useful.
  10. Knit something that uses a vintage pattern. 
  11. Knit something that uses game knitting
  12. Knit something from a pattern you tried before but gave up on. I have a lot of these!
  13. Knit something from a pattern that you tried before and loved. I have some of these...
  14. Knit something that uses indie yarn.
  15. Knit something with someone else (through a knit along, mystery knit, etc.)
  16. Knit something from a pattern that you buy. Spend money on a book, magazine, or independent pattern!
There they are! 16 things. They look easy, but it means that I need to finish a project roughly every 3 weeks, unless I decide to combine things. Do you think I can do it? I'm nervous, but I think I'll be able to, especially if I keep with my 2016 Knit Goals. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Free Pattern: Knit Puppycat

Pupycat title

I'm so excited to put another pattern out there! I've been obsessed with Bee and Puppycat for almost a year. There are patterns for crocheted puppycat on Rav, but nothing for a knit one, so I made this guy!

This pattern isn't tested. That means that I can't promise that there isn't errata - but if you have any problems, please contact me through this blog or through email and I'll be happy to help.

IMG_3960 (3)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2015 Year in Review

Wow, it's been a year.

Wow, I don't really have a lot to show for myself on the knitting front. On the other stuff front, I got my anxiety under control, got an awesome new job, and awesome new cat, travelled to Germany, New Orleans, and Vancouver, and quit sugar.

But not much knitting. Still, I love looking at the beautiful collages that people make around this time, so I'm going to make one too! Here it is:

6 things. Yikes! Hopefully next year this post is bigger. I'm a little ashamed. :(

Sunday, January 3, 2016

My 6 Knit Year Resolutions

It's the end of the year. Time to look back and forward. At work, we talk about leading and lagging indicators - If you want to make a change, it's better to use leading indicators that will motivate you to do that change. An example of this is setting a goal of going to the gym 3x a week vs. setting a goal of losing 10 lbs.

I don't really goal set a lot of knitting - I have things that I tell myself I want to do, but I don't actually PLAN to do them. I want 2016 to be different, though. So I have 6 things I'm going to do next year.

  1. Knit for an hour a day. It doesn't have to be continuous. It just has to be 60 minutes. This time can include: the 2 hours I spend every day sitting in the car while Dan and I carpool; the 2-3 hours we spend each night watching TVon Netflix... etc. During NaNoWriMo I realized how easy it was to add writing to your day. Well, I want to add knitting!
  2. Have no more than 3 WIPs going at a time. I used to be really good at this. I used to have ONE PROJECT that I worked on at a time. I was so confused how people could have more than one. Then I discovered that different knitting patterns are funner at different times. I can't knit fancy lace while watching TV. I can't carry around a blanket in my purse to work on in the spare minutes I have. I like having different projects, but they've exploded to the point where I have so many things going on that none of them are moving.
  3. No knitting projects in the "dog house" - Why? Because I hit a snag and I set the project aside until I "have time to deal with this." Then... I never deal with it. Poor project sits folded up in a closet forever. Not anymore! I will be dealing with things when they happen. Setting things aside if they really frustrate me is ok, but no packing it up. 
  4. 1 WIP must be an original project. I have so many ideas for projects, but I just don't do them! I'm hoping that this rule will help me.
  5. Do hand stretching and strengthening every day. I need to get better at this! I do the stretches, but I sometimes forget to do my strength training twice a day.
  6. Post to my blog once a week. I don't have to read blogs - that's been a ridiculous time ever since Google Reader went kaput ages ago. But I'm going to make a blog post once per week. Setting up articles to automatically publish counts, too. 
Six is a lot of new rules to have for myself, but I think that they're easy enough that I can do it! Actually, I'm already doing them, haha. The knitting time I'm squeezing in is leading to projects getting done (what a surprise!)

What do you think? Are you knitting new stuff? I'd love to hear people's suggestions for knitting resolutions and see what other people are doing!