Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2015 Year in Review

Wow, it's been a year.

Wow, I don't really have a lot to show for myself on the knitting front. On the other stuff front, I got my anxiety under control, got an awesome new job, and awesome new cat, travelled to Germany, New Orleans, and Vancouver, and quit sugar.

But not much knitting. Still, I love looking at the beautiful collages that people make around this time, so I'm going to make one too! Here it is:

6 things. Yikes! Hopefully next year this post is bigger. I'm a little ashamed. :(


  1. Never be ashamed!!! We do what we do and it's ALL GOOD!

    Your projects are beautiful, but what I really want to see is that awesome CAT!!!! So, glad you've been adopted!

    1. He's camera shy, he always makes funny faces at the camera when I try to take his picture!

  2. You shouldn't be ashamed! I'm amazed you did that much knitting when you were so busy with the rest of life.

    1. Thanks. Things really were crazy! But most of them were crazy in a good way!


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