Saturday, January 9, 2016

Free Pattern: Knit Puppycat

Pupycat title

I'm so excited to put another pattern out there! I've been obsessed with Bee and Puppycat for almost a year. There are patterns for crocheted puppycat on Rav, but nothing for a knit one, so I made this guy!

This pattern isn't tested. That means that I can't promise that there isn't errata - but if you have any problems, please contact me through this blog or through email and I'll be happy to help.

IMG_3960 (3)


Your very own knit magical cat


This pattern involves knitting in the round, colorwork, seaming, increasing and decreasing, embroidery, and short rows and is recommended for people that already understand these techniques. I would consider this pattern moderate difficulty.


Size 5 dpn
Size 5 circular needles
Yarn: White, Yellow, Brown, and Pink worsted weight yarn. (I used Cascade 220 Superwash) Black yarn to embroider the eyes, nose, and mouth (I used Caron Simply Soft).
Yarn Needle


Arms (Make 2)
Using Brown yarn, use Judy’s Magic Cast On (See tutorial here) and cast on 8 sts.
Round 1: *K1, m1, K2, m1, K1* Repeat * to *. You should have 12 stitches. Place a marker to mark the beginning of the round and a marker to mark the halfway point.
Round 2 & 3: K
Round 4: *K1, m1, K to last st before marker, m1, K1* Repeat * to *.
Repeat rounds 2, 3, and 4 6 times total. You should have 32 sts.
K 15 rounds.
Cut the yarn, leaving a 10 inch tail. Run this through the live sts, and pull them off the needle to save them.

Using white, CO 4 sts.
Round 1: Kfb all sts. You should have 8 sts.
Round 2 and all even rounds: K
Round 3: Kfb all sts. You should have 16 sts.
Round 5: *Kfb, K1* Repeat * to * around. You should have 24 sts.
Round 7: *Kfb, K2* Repeat * to * around. You should have 32 sts.
Round 9: *Kfb, K3* Repeat * to * around. You should have 40 sts.
Continue to increase in this pattern (8 sts every other round) until you have 144 sts. K 20 rounds. Take your arms and add the arms to either side of the body as follows.
Add marker for beginning of the round. K across one set of arm sts. Place marker. K 72 sts. Place marker. K across the other set of arm sts. K 72 sts.                             
Begin arm decreases.
Round 1: [slm, K2tog, K to last 2 sts before arm marker, SSK, slm] *K16, K2tog* Repeat * to * until you reach the next marker. Repeat [ ]. Then repeat * to *.
Round 2: K
Repeat Decrease Round 1 and 2 until you have 24 sts. Stuff head. K2tog all around. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail. Weave end through live sts, and pull tight to finish.

Using white, CO 4 sts.
Increase Round 1: Kfb all sts. You should have 8 sts.
Increase Round 2 and all even rounds: K
Increase Round 3: Kfb all sts. You should have 16 sts.
Increase Round 5: *Kfb, K1* Repeat * to * around. You should have 24 sts.
Increase Round 7: *Kfb, K2* Repeat * to * around. You should have 32 sts.
Increase Round 9: *Kfb, K3* Repeat * to * around. You should have 40 sts.
Continue to increase in this pattern (8 sts every other round) until you have 122 sts. K 15 rounds.
Decrease Round 1: *K14, K2tog* Repeat * to * around.
Decrease Round 2 (And all other even rounds): K
Decrease Round 3: *K13, K2tog* Repeat * to * around.
Decrease Round 5: *K12, K2tog* Repeat * to * around.
Continue to decrease in this pattern (8 sts every other round) until you have 48 sts. Bind off. Stuff and sew head to body.

With pink yarn, pick up and knit 56 stitches 2-3 rows above the seam where the head meets the body. Start at the front center of the head. The collar is knit back and forth with garter stitch, so you can go either clockwise or counter clockwise.
Increase row 1:* K1, Kfb, K6* Repeat * to * 7 times. 63 sts total
Increase row 2 and all even rows.
Increase row 3: *K1, KFB, K6* Repeat * to * 7 times. 70 sts total.
Continue to increase in this fashion (7 sts every other row) until you have 98 sts.
Decrease Row 1: K
Decrease Row 2: K1, K2tog, K to last 3 sts. SSK, K1.
Repeat Rows 1 and 2 three times total.
Final row: K1, K2tog, BO to last 3 sts. SSK, BO, K1, BO.
Sew the collar to the body.

With yellow, CO 8 sts. K1 round.
Increase round 1: *k1 m1* Repeat * to * around. 16 sts. K1 round.
Increase round 3: *K1 m1 K2 m1 K1* Repeat * to * 4 times total. 24 sts. K1 round.
Increase round 5: *K1 m1 K4 m1 K1* Repeat * to * 4 times total. 32 sts. K1 round.
Increase round 7: *k1 m1 K6 m1 K1* Repeat * to * 4 times total. 40 sts.
K 8 rounds.
Decrease Round 1: *SSK, K6, K2tog* Repeat * to * 4 times total. 32 sts. K1 round.
Decrease Round 3: *SSK, K4, K2tog* Repeat * to * 4 times total. 24 sts. K1 round.
Decrease Round 5: *SSK, K2, K2tog* Repeat * to * 4 times total. 16 sts. K1 round.
Decrease Round 7: *SSK, K2tog* Repeat * to * 4 times total. 8 sts total.
Stuff the bell. Cut the yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail. Pull tail thru the live sts and pull tight to close. Sew bell to neck.

Legs (Make 2)
With brown, CO 18 sts using Judy’s Magic CO. Divide between 4 sts.
Round 1: *K1 m1 K7 m1 K1.* Repeat * to *. 24 sts. K2 rounds.
Round 4: *K1 m1 K11 m1 K1* Repeat * to * 30 sts. K2 rounds.
Continue in this fashion (4 sts increased every 3 rounds) until you have 42 sts. Switch to white. K 20 rounds. BO.
Sew both legs to the bottom of the body.

CO 15 sts with white yarn. Join to knit in the round. K 12 rounds
Round 13: K10, W&T (For help working short rows, see this tutorial)
Round 14: P5, W&T
Round 15: K4, W&T
Round 16: P3, W&T
Round 17: K9, knitting the wraps with the wrapped stitched. You’re now at the new start of the round.
Switch to brown yarn and K14 rounds.
To finish: K1, then K2tog 7 times. You should have 8 sts.
Cut yarn, leaving a small tail. Run this yarn through the live stitches, and pull them tight.
Stuff the tail and sew it to the body.


Ears: Make 2
Front of Ear: Knit in Brown and Pink
With Brown, CO 14
Row 1: K3 Brown, K8 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 2: K3 Brown, P8 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 3: K2 Brown, SSK with Brown, K6 Pink, K2tog Brown, K2 Brown. (12 sts)
Row 4: K3 Brown, P6 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 5: K3 Brown, K6 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 6: K3 Brown, P6 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 7: K2 Brown, SSK with Brown, K4 Pink, K2tog Brown, K2 Brown (10 sts)
Row 8: K3 Brown, P4 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 9: K3 Brown, K4 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 10: K3 Brown, P4 Pink, K3 Brown
Row 11: K2 Brown, SSK with Brown, K2 Pink, K2tog with Brown, K2 Brown (8 sts)
Row 12: K3 Brown, P2 Pink, K3 Brown. Cut the Pink yarn, and knit the rest with Brown.
Row 13: K1 K2tog K2 K2tog K1 (6 sts)
Row 14: K
Row 15: K1 K2tog, K2tog, K1 (4 sts)
Bind off.

Back of Ear: With Brown, CO 22
Work 2 rows garter stitch
Row 3: K1, *K2tog, K3* Rep * to * 4 times total, K1 (18 sts)
Work 3 rows garter stitch
Row 7: K1, K2tog, K2* Repeat * to * 4 times, K1 (14 sts)
Work 3 rows garter stitch
Row 11: K1 *K2tog K1* Repeat * to * 4 times total, K1 (12 sts)
Row 12: K
Row 13: K1, K2tog 4 times total, K1 (6 sts)
Row 14: K
Row 15: K1 K2tog twice, K1 (4 sts)

Sew the front and back sides together, making a cone. Stuff and attach to head using the photo as a guide.
Eyebrows (make 2)
CO 5 sts in brown
K 1 row
K1 m1 K3 m1 K1 (7 sts)
Work 12 rows in garter stitch
K1 K2tog K1 K2tog K1 (5 sts)
K1 row

Sew eyebrows to face. Attempt to make a grumpy face. Embroider eyes, nose, and mouth using a small amount of black yarn.

You now have your own magical companion. Side effects include: adventures and inter-dimensional travel. Please do not be alarmed if your Puppycat attempts to subjugate other pets.



  1. Hi, I have difficulty in figuring out the decrease in the body after attaching the arms. Before decrease there are (144+32+32)=208 stitches. After the first decrease round there should be 196 stitches. But then how to carry on so as to reach 24 stitches? Could you please elaborate by stating the next few decrease rounds in detail? Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Ami Cat,
      You repeat decrease round 1 and 2 until you have 24 stitches. I changed the pattern to make it clearer!


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