Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday - 2016 Week 2

I really like reading Gracey's Stitch Along Wednesday, so I figured I'd link up! :)

Right now my three projects are:

1.) A new design for mittens! I'm really excited about it. I haven't really started. But I have the plan!

2.) My color block blanket that I got into a bind in. I laid it out and did some frogging. It hurt. I wish I could say it was like lancing an abscess, and the hurt was fast. But it was more like peeling the bandage off a bad cut that should've gotten stitches, but instead you decided to wait until the clinic was open the next day and now you feel like a dummy. Not that I recently cut my thumb cooking or anything...


3.) My first 16in2016 project!


I decided to start the year off by knitting something for myself. I've had this knit.1 magazine since I first started blogging, because it had all these designers that I looked up to. Well, I went to ravelry page and... there's errata?

But the website doesn't mention any errata!

But the pattern page says there's errata!? I'm so anxious. Am I doing something wrong? What do I do? The projects are not helpful in this regard. So, for now, I'm at an impasse. Will update as new information becomes available.


  1. "I followed the pattern exactly with these, and they are most wonderful. (Although there is an error–it says to knit the toe plain, but the picture clearly has the ribbed toe. And the errata says, and I quote “‘Shape the toe’ can be worked continuation of the ribbing as shown or in St st as written.” Gee, thanks.)"

    Apparently THIS is the errata. Sounds like it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

    Your color-block looks great.

  2. Your analogy was hysterical and gross! Yuck! Thanks for linking up...and I hope the pattern errata/not errata gets cleared up....

  3. I might be wrong but it does say the error is only in the magazine version from 2008? and if you have the pdf it should be fine?

  4. Also, I meant to email you and say thanks for congratulating me! But I don't think I have your email anymore! Mine is still kits knits at hotmail if you still want to chat :)


Hey, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! :) I really appreciate it!