Thursday, September 12, 2013

Knitting Update


Here's my WIP Basket.  I'm still in my pink phase, but my projects are chugging along!  I cleaned up the tangled mess that was my socks yesterday while waiting for laundry.  But there's still more work to do on them... especially if I want to start another pair of socks.  I told myself one type of project at a time. And I'm doing ok getting through what's on my plate before I start something else.

Here's a picture of my latest project - a stuffed animal in the making.  Can you guess what it is?

How about now?


I'll post pictures when it's done, hopefully I don't run out of yarn... that happens when you're using yarn leftover from your boyfriend's hat.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hiking Photos

I've been knitting, but so slow that I feel like if I were to post weekly updates, to someone that was just casually reading it would look like I wasn't doing anything at all.

So, here are some photos from my hike yesterday to Mt. Major, in NH.






The last one might be my favorite... do you see the frog? :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Where My Disorganization Bites Me

The last round of Design Along that I participated in, I ACTUALLY designed something - a set of fingerless gloves.


I thought up the design, drew a sketch, was convinced that this was "the one"- the design that would be my best accomplishment yet, etc. etc.  I feel this way about a lot of the things I knit.

I finished the first glove, with all my little notes in my little notebook, when I went to the Twin Cities for work.

Then I lost the notebook.  I'm pretty sure it fell out of my bag at some airport.  Or in some plane.  Point is, I lost it and I put the single glove on a table and said "When I have time, I'll reverse engineer it and write out the pattern and then make another pair in a contrasting color that's longer. It'll still be the best pattern yet."

There are a few flaws with that logic. First, I don't have time.  Not like I had before, when I was in school at least.  Second, the gloves are made with expensive, expensive yarn I got on sale ages ago and then lost the band to - Luxe Lace? Anyway, there was no way I was going to afford another skein of that stuff.

So, today while I was cleaning up my desk, I found that one glove, and I decided to put it to rest.  I would write up my notes, but I know that I will get a ton of angry emails like "What does this mean!?" Basically, I knit part sideways, and made the ruffley bits. Then I worked the cuffs out from the sides, and added a thumb gusset.


The gusset what I'm most proud of actually.  I'm not sure how I did it, and it's a little loose... but if I had the notes I could modify it and...

No. I'm done.  It's time to put the glove in the bin and say goodbye.  I'm sorry little glove, but maybe someday you'll be resurrected.  Or maybe I'll find something nice to make out of the yarn. Who knows!

Sometimes when things don't work out, you just have to move one.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

This is why I don't make myself wearables...

... Taking photos of your project in action is so frustrating!


I thought that it would be a good idea to model my finished shawl. I worked on it for a long time, and when I unpinned it, it just looked so beautiful.  I couldn't find a good place in my apartment to stand by.  The bed? The stove? Pu-LEASE.  I finally settled on in front of my shower curtain.  I took one picture and thought "Wow, really? This is the best I can do?"

So, I went outside and set my camera up on a timer.  Then my neighbor came outside and distracted me.


After I talked with her, I realized that the picture I wanted to do was dumb.  So I tried another one.

SUNLIGHT! This is what happens when you can only take photos between the hours of 4 and 6 PM

So I gave up on the self-timer because I was beginning to feel incredibly self-conscious. So then I played around and just took selfies.


Then Dan came home and I put the shawl in the bathroom window and went to check on dinner... and noticed I had burnt part of dinner.  Oops.


But the funny thing is, he went to wash his hands and said "I like the shawl there over the window."

So, there it will stay for now, I guess.  I kinda like it too!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013



I finally got to block my shawl! I used the wig pins that my friend Kate gave me, and blocked it on the floor of the hobby room.

Of course, I had to clean the room first so that there would be room to block the shawl, that took way longer than I thought it would!



Aside aside, it looks amazing.  I love blocking things - the ritual behind it, pinning each part out symmetrically... If there was a paying job blocking people's handknit work, I would apply today! I love the feeling of a project stretching out, being pulled into its final shape, teasing it and pinning it just so that it looks the way I want it to look. 

Sometimes I feel like I'm being blocked by other people.  You know the type - people that try direct you, stretch you to your limits so that you can discover who you are and what you're made of.  I had a teacher in elementary school that definitely "blocked" me! We had to have our homework done, every night, the exact way that she told us to.  I hated her - but, you know what, because of her I learned that I had to do my homework, because it helped me understand the material that we talked about in class.  And, when I got to college I still did my homework (yes - even the readings!) and I got excellent grades - because I had built those habits when I was a kid.  Mrs. D had blocked me into the shape of a student.

And just like a lace shawl or a hat, we can relax and forget our shape.  Then someone else comes around and helps block us again.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

FINISHED! Well... almost!

On the ride home from Maine I finally finished my shawl, but I didn't have a needle to graft the final few stitches together.  So last night, that was done.  And now, I'm trying to figure out when I'll have a spare hour to wash and block the thing!


I'm thinking the way things are going (work gives me only about an hour of free time, and we're going hiking Saturday) I think Sunday is my best bet to get it done... here's hoping.


For now, it's sitting on the back of that couch I hate, so waiting for me to look happily at it while I eat, or read blogs, or whatever it is I'm doing.

P.S. - that's my basil plant in the first picture.  I made pesto from it today!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Getting Closer to the End

With each row I end
The next is faster; and so
I race towards the end


I've wanted to start some new projects recently, but I told myself that I shouldn't until I finish something that I'm working on.  So, of course, I pick the oldest project.  I'm surprised at how easy the garter stitch is, how few delicate stitches I've dropped.  I went to work on it today while Dan was reading a book and I noticed that I have less than a dozen rows until I finish! I'll probably finish it on the way back home from Maine today - and then comes the best part, the blocking!

Hope you are all having a good weekend - I have lots of Maine photos, but the internet is slow here so I'll do a photo post when I get back.
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