Showing posts with label Craftoscopes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craftoscopes. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Your August Crafting Horoscope - Brought to you by Lilac

 Hello again, hoomans! Lilac here, hopping onto the compooter to say, where is the fan mail? I mean, you comment and email about how much you love me, but where are the carrots? I have yet to get carrots in the mail.  Then, I will consider myself a star.

Besides staring at my slave endlessly and sitting in front of my wind-making robot, I have also been studying the ancient hooman art of astrology.  I am really a quite educated rabbit, and enjoy studying different hooman beliefs.  Having lived with hoomans for 4 out of the 5 months of my life, I consider myself something of an expert in them.  I thought it was time that I share my gift with the world, so if you want to read on after the jump, you can find your crafty horoscope for the month of August, based on your Sun Sign. 

August 2011 Craftoscopes:
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