Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weekend Adventures

Lately I have not been doing a lot of crafting, but Dan and I have been trying to do activities on the weekends.  A few weekends ago we planted flower boxes...


Last weekend we were going to go mountain climbing but it was too hot.  This weekend, we drove to Madison, NH to see the Madison Boulder.



I have a weird thing for natural oddities.  The Madison Boulder is a giant erratic that was deposited during the last ice age.  It's as big as a whale!

On the way back, we passed a little railroad that was giving rides in exchange for donations, and the last train had just pulled in when drove by... so we had to go! I'm really glad we did, the view was nice and we got to see bogs of water lilies and mountains.




I AM knitting, I'm just not doing a lot of anything impressive or blog-able.  I'm amazed how fast other bloggers have been finishing projects.  I barely feel like I've been making a dent on anything.  Hopefully I'll finish SOMETHING soon.  Even the socks that I'm working on feel like they're just dragging along.  I'm on the heel flap of the first sock, but I feel like I'm going to have really bad second sock syndrome!


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bye Bye Bunny

Since I moved to my apartment in NH, I've left Lilac with my mom back in New York.  I've missed her, and my mom's taken good care of her, but she got a job as a travelling nurse and can't take care of her.  She went through the trouble to find someone to adopt her, and one of her friends had a bunny and wanted another.

I feel a little sad - Lilac is no longer my bun, and my dreams of bringing her to my next home are gone. But, I've been saying that she should have a bun mate and now she and her bunny husband will live happily ever after :)


Monday, May 13, 2013

We Knit This City on Worsted Wool

... get it? GET IT?

Anyway, I'm still in the Midwest for work, but my sentinel made it to Rochester for Imagine RIT, where it sat amid a tiny fiber campus.  Check out the pictures on Alysia's blog, Anxiety and Coffee.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tiny update


I am progressing slowly on my Rock Island Shawl, I managed to knit three rows - THREE - in the last two weeks.  I am almost ashamed at that.  That's hardly anything! 

I also haven't been keeping up on blogs because RRSOwl has failed me miserably.  Things refuse to load, feeds disappear, and I can't find any help anywhere.  Woe is me, right? I jumped on the feedly bandwagon, anyway, so hopefully this will work better.

Of course, nothing matters if I don't have thirty minutes each day to look at the actual feeds or pick up needles.  And right now, I don't... which is really starting to damage my calm.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Miniature Statues

This year's Imagine RIT project is really cool - I'm sorry I'm not going to be around to see it.  I'm still helping out Hooks and Needles, though, by knitting a teeny tiny Sentinel statue!  I love the challenge, though the wires that I'm using to hold it up are very sharp, and too thin because I bought the wrong gauge. Derp.

I'm not so sure how it looks so far... Though it's turning out more and more like the statue, the statue looks like a pile of junk to me, so... it's been tough.


What do you think? Do you see a resemblance? If you squint?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Some Spring in My Step


I finished my socks yesterday! As you can see, there is still snow on the ground, but I have spring feelings.  I can't wait to get outside, plant containers, and hike.  I have serious cabin fever.

They are a little tight, but I'm crazy about them.  I just wish I made them longer!

Happy Easter!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mail Coming and Going

I sent a lot of mail over the weekend - my mom's birthday gift, my redditgifts yarn swap, and a mountain of letters.  And today, I got some mail!


It's an embroidery thread holder from Bugs and Fishes! I won it over at her blog a while ago.  I love her blog, by the way, and her felt squares are my favorite things in the world.  (I used them to make my hedgehogs, but she doesn't sell them anymore.)

I can't wait to embroider something... my fingers are just itching.  I have way too many projects on the docket ;)

Oh, P.S. - she also included one of her Vintage Scissor cards.  It's really nice quality and looks like a work of art! I'm contemplating putting it on my wall.
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