Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sharing a Project


I've been working on something for a long time but just never blogged about it.  It's something I've been working on for about a year.


The layman's term is "Rock Island" but I have been referring to it as "The Lacecide Pact." Why? Because three of us in Hooks and Needles decided to start this together.  The first meeting, we were literally in tears over the pattern.  I think I knit the first repeat of the first chart 6 times before I was confident that I got it right.

Oh, and did I mention that you knit that first chart 71 times? What!? Ain't no one got time for that.


Except I do, apparently.  I hit my 50th repeat today, a little over a year after I started.  If I make this my only long-term project, I might even finish it this year!

It doesn't look like a shawl.  It looks like a very long centipede.


I'm not sure if my friends have been working on their versions, I lost touch with one and the other is in grad school (and, I love her, but she has serial startitis) so our KAL might have turned into a KAL of one.

So, phew, my secret is out! I'm sure everyone has projects that they just don't blog about.  Right now, though, I only have this shawl and my hat.  And my carpal tunnel, which keeps me from knitting too fast.

Have a great week!


Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Blue Post


Not because I'm sad, but because I looked at all the pictures for this post and noticed they were so blue! It's a theme!

Thursday morning there was a gigantic snowstorm, and I had my first "Wicked New England Commute."  It normally takes me an hour to get to work, but that morning... 2 hours, 20 minutes.  Everyone asked me how it went.  I told them "On average, less than 30 miles per hour."

But when I got home... holy crap.  The snow was beautiful! Of course, it was dark and raining, so I couldn't really appreciate it on the icy way home, but after the steps were shoveled it just looked awesome.  My ride into work the next morning was good too - dark and snowy, with the trees covered.  I almost wish that I could've taken photos of that but... not gunna risk it.



And today, I'm about halfway done with Dan's hat! It looks darker than in the photo, but I wanted to get an action shot! The conversation was like this:

Me: I'm gunna put this on your head while you play video games and take a picture.
Him: (Not looking up) Okay.


Me: Thanks Dan!
Him: (Not looking up) No problem.

My boyfriend is cute.

Friday, January 11, 2013

FO: Beachy Socks

I finally finished my beachy socks! I'm really happy with them.  Which is kind of laughable.


They don't match at all. It took me three months to make them.  They aren't in any kind of pattern or style of any sort.  They don't show my skill at cables, colorwork, or lace. They just look nice and feel nice when I wear them.  That's all I need to knit right now.


I'm a little sad because as I was finishing the heel of the second sock, Dan said that he liked the colors and asked if I would make him a pair next.  The yarn leftover looked like I had barely finished half, so I told him that I would check and if I hadn't hit the halfway point I would make him ankle socks.  Well, I weighed them and lo and behold... I'm just over half.   Of course, the first time my significant other is visibly interested in a yarn... I don't have enough to make what he'd like.  Such is life.

But, he's getting a hat from me because I feel bad.  And also, he bought the yarn to make said hat in July. And I hadn't even started.  More on that later, hehe.

Also, I need a light box.  My work schedule is so long (about 12 hours everyday because my commute is and hour both ways) and the days are so short.  I'll have to throw it into the hopper of "things I want to have."  Other people have those, right?


Anyway, I have to go take these socks off now because I wore them on Monday (my first day of work, for good luck) and they are a little... fresh... because I dug them out of the dirty clothes hamper to take photos of them... Knit blog problems.
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