It is finished! It, being me. I'm finished compiling data from my awesome testers, sifting through photos of my sorry mug, tweaking pixels on the PDF... and now, I present my first pattern of 2011.
Pattern Name: Slouchy Ridges Hat
Difficulty: Easy
Yardage: 200 yards
Techniques: Knitting in the round, Working stripes (if you want a multicolored hat), and another technique explained in the pattern.
My goal this year is to publish 11 patterns. The ones I self-publish will be free all year long, and on January first of 2012 they'll go up for sale, so download this one while you can!
What I like about this hat is that it's stockinette stitch in the round, making it a good zone-out project, but every so often there's the pick-up round, where you have to pay attention. It's hard to find knitting projects that have that duality.
Anyway, I hope you like it, too! You can download your own free copy here: download now