Saturday, April 18, 2015

Finally, something to show for my efforts!

Attention feels like it's been spread really thin lately. Reading, weight loss, exercising... there hasn't been much room for knitting. But really, I think it's because I've been knitting less due to stress, sickness, etc. Yesterday I took the whole day off to recover from a pretty miserable kidney infection (it was also my last day on antibiotics, but I still feel kind of crummy) and I spent yesterday and today taking it easy - knitting, reading, and going for walks.

Finally, I have something to show for my effort! A Dan's blueberry waltz socks are done!


I was really proud... until he tried them on. The heel is just way, way, way too tight. I don't know what to do here - on the last socks I made him, the heel fit well! He says he doesn't mind it, but I mind it! For all the time and effort, they should fit like a glove.


Anyway, he told me not to worry, which felt patronizing, but I'm going to trust him. When I'm re-making the heel in a year's time because they wore out, I'll point to this post as an I told you so!

Other than the socks, I'm making progress on my puppycat and my little afghan for my hope chest. Slowly but surely. I haven't really been in a mental state to read blogs though... I've just gotten gloomy from it, so I hope ya'll will forgive me. Have less awesome lives, darn it! :P

Bonus photo of my landlord's adorable cat, Curtis:


1 comment:

  1. I've been working on a hope chest myself. I have a pair of baby booties so far, I haven't had the energy for much knitting myself.


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