Thursday, February 12, 2015

And I'm Off! On a new pair of socks!


I started these almost as soon as I'd finished the Reeses Pieces socks.  They are socks for Dan, made out of Zauberball Crazy that I had in my stash.  I am knitting them one row at a time, like my Watermelon Waltz socks, and it's been fun going! I really like the way the yarn works up.  This may be my go-to "design" for zauberball crazy, haha! And it's so simple and lovely.  I'm calling these "Blueberry Waltz" socks, because the blues, purples, and greens remind me of blueberries. Here's a photo, but the colors aren't really true to life (darn daylight light that I have isn't always the best)


The first time we went to Maine (Before he even asked me to "go steady" we went on vacation together with his family in Maine! Can you believe him?!) his little cousin dressed up as a blueberry patch for a costume contest on the island.  I remember that she looked so adorable, with blueberry branches and blue and purple balloons.

Anyway, that's the memory of the week.  And here's my project of the week.  My knitting is set to speed up, since I'm mostly recovered from my wrist injury last summer.  Maybe soon I'll be able to look at other knitting blogs again without feeling sorry for myself!

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