Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Recap

Lots of people have been posting summaries of what they've finished in the last year, so I thought it would be fun to do!

Then, I looked at my finished photo set... and felt me ego shrink a little.  Here are my finished projects from 2013:

Only 9.  But I'm pretty proud of them! I worked on my Rock Island Shawl for almost 2 years, and I've almost finished my first sweater for myself.  And my House Greyjoy Needlepoint... anyway.  I might not be as prolific as other bloggers, but I think my FO's are still pretty badass.


  1. For what it's worth, I only had a total of nine things too - but I was pleased with all of them, just like you!

    Happy New Year!

  2. That's a fantastic year of knits Allison!!!! I love your socks, shawls and your sweet Whale


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