Saturday, August 10, 2013

This is why I don't make myself wearables...

... Taking photos of your project in action is so frustrating!


I thought that it would be a good idea to model my finished shawl. I worked on it for a long time, and when I unpinned it, it just looked so beautiful.  I couldn't find a good place in my apartment to stand by.  The bed? The stove? Pu-LEASE.  I finally settled on in front of my shower curtain.  I took one picture and thought "Wow, really? This is the best I can do?"

So, I went outside and set my camera up on a timer.  Then my neighbor came outside and distracted me.


After I talked with her, I realized that the picture I wanted to do was dumb.  So I tried another one.

SUNLIGHT! This is what happens when you can only take photos between the hours of 4 and 6 PM

So I gave up on the self-timer because I was beginning to feel incredibly self-conscious. So then I played around and just took selfies.


Then Dan came home and I put the shawl in the bathroom window and went to check on dinner... and noticed I had burnt part of dinner.  Oops.


But the funny thing is, he went to wash his hands and said "I like the shawl there over the window."

So, there it will stay for now, I guess.  I kinda like it too!



  1. I Love it on you. .love each image. Over the window is just gorgeous though

  2. It's beautiful! And so are you! I love how long your hair is getting, the last time you posted a picture of yourself, it was shorter!

  3. Beautiful shawl! I hate taking knitwear selfies, too :)


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