Tuesday, August 6, 2013



I finally got to block my shawl! I used the wig pins that my friend Kate gave me, and blocked it on the floor of the hobby room.

Of course, I had to clean the room first so that there would be room to block the shawl, that took way longer than I thought it would!



Aside aside, it looks amazing.  I love blocking things - the ritual behind it, pinning each part out symmetrically... If there was a paying job blocking people's handknit work, I would apply today! I love the feeling of a project stretching out, being pulled into its final shape, teasing it and pinning it just so that it looks the way I want it to look. 

Sometimes I feel like I'm being blocked by other people.  You know the type - people that try direct you, stretch you to your limits so that you can discover who you are and what you're made of.  I had a teacher in elementary school that definitely "blocked" me! We had to have our homework done, every night, the exact way that she told us to.  I hated her - but, you know what, because of her I learned that I had to do my homework, because it helped me understand the material that we talked about in class.  And, when I got to college I still did my homework (yes - even the readings!) and I got excellent grades - because I had built those habits when I was a kid.  Mrs. D had blocked me into the shape of a student.

And just like a lace shawl or a hat, we can relax and forget our shape.  Then someone else comes around and helps block us again.


  1. I think we ALL had one of those teachers.

    Love your shawl. That is such a pretty color pink.

  2. love that shawl

    Fascinated by your blocking analogy. I felt BLOCKED yesterday!! TOday: much better

  3. The shawl is so lovely! You have done such and amazing job, and it has been cool seeing the pictures of the WIP of it too :) xxx


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