Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sweet Nothing Swap!

I've had a busy week, and next week will be even busier because I'm going to Minnesota for work from the last week of the month to mid-March... but I wanted to share my package for my swap partner and the awesome stitch markers that I got!


I'm really proud of the tiny tin that I made. It's a little lopsided, but the top can be used as a pincushion! It took me an afternoon.  I loaded it with chocolate, those little posits that are really good for flagging patterns you like in a magazine, and some stitch markers that I made.


Then, I packed it with a funny Valentine's Day card, some beads that I had left over from my gauntlet mittens, and some tea.  I'm psyched that my partner liked it. 


I got a nice letter and these handmade stitch markers from Kitsune of Kit's Knits. I love swaps so much!

You can see all the swap results at the roundup over at Yarn Miracle.


  1. I'm so glad you like the stitch markers! I almost feel like I didn't do enough for you :(

  2. I LOVE the top of your tin! What a great idea!

  3. Looks like you made a nice swap! Have fun on your trip. Pack warm things!


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