Wednesday, February 20, 2013

One Sock Down, One More to Go!


I finished my first watermelon sock late on Sunday, watching Dan beat the latest Dead Space game.  At work, I have been scrambling to finish all of the things that I have due during my training trip, so my days have been work - sleep - work. Hopefully once I churn out this giant report I won't have to work late on Friday.

But, that's just me complaining! My sock is fun, I love the colors and the fit of the heel - but it is a tad too tight.  Not uncomfortable, just two stitches short of perfect.  Most of my socks have relaxed a little bit after wearing and washing, though, so I'm sure these will too.  In which case, they'll be perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Your new sock is adorable! I've found some of my older socks actually do feel like they've stretched a bit.

    Although some have semi-felted and are a little tighter. Guess it depends on the yarn.


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