Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year everyone! 

2011 was incredibly crazy for me.  I published six designs, made four pairs of socks, knit a sweater for a cat, sold toys at a craft sale... and that's just the knitting!

I made a little collage of all the things I've finished:

The project from 2011 that I'm most proud of is (of course) my Blackbird Shawlette.
The project from 2011 that I use the most are my Pomatomus Socks - I love having socks of my own!
The strangest project from 2011... well, that's hard to decide.

Of course, I didn't include photos of the 12 hedgehogs that I made for the craft sale, or the pile of bricks that I'm knitting for a project I haven't blogged about, or the latest design that I'm slow cooking.  I DO have a camera, though, I got one for Christmas, so... expect more blogging!

December has been incredibly busy, but, I know that I'm going to be able to use these next few days before school starts up again to hit the ground running.

What's in store for 2012? Not even I know!

How about everyone else? Best project? Biggest mistake? What are you happy to be finished with?


  1. I guess my biggest/best project was the Girasole shawl. My biggest mistake was probably my Binding Off challenge, which I failed miserably! But there's always 2012, which I'm feeling very optimistic about!

    You accomplished a lot in 2011, you should be proud!

  2. Oh I like your questions, I will answer them soon on my blog. The best to you in 2012!

  3. Hmmmm, biggest mistake was spilling Coke on the Macbook. Ouch. That cost. Biggest success: well there were a few. I met Donna Boucher of Quiet Life, took a photo class from Franklin Habit and I co ordinated a Take and Replace Swap that was very successful. Funny that none of these things were planned. Good things came my way in 2011~

  4. Sounds like you have had a busy year! My moebius cowl/shawl is what I wear the most. Here is to a great 2012!!

  5. Hands down, I'm most proud of my Rock Island Shawl! (Even though it's STILL unblocked.) I'm happy to be finished with it but I would definitely knit it again.

  6. Congrats on all the patterns and knitting you got done in 2011, and good luck for 2012!


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