This year, I'm participating in my very first NaNoWriMo! So if you're doing it to, you should add me as a writing buddy.
My novel is a chick lit novel about knitting, death, and friendship... I think it's going to be pretty good. I've got a tart and an end, and some things in between, but I don't really have it all in place.
Also, I heard about this awesome thing called NaKniSweMo ... and I cursed myself. I would totally rather knit a sweater than write a novel!
Although when I was growing up, I really wanted to be a writer... knitting is more my thing now. If you don't want to think for yourself, you can knit a really gorgeous sweater. Writing on the other hand...
Coolio! I would also rather knit a sweater than write a novel but I'm a slow knitter so I'd probably need more than a month to finish either one.