So, I haven't really been knitting lately. I've had a week-long vacation, and such, no motivation. It's one of those slightly gloomy times when I realize that I have many many things in my head to make and not as much time to make them as I'd like. . . or even as I'd find satisfactory. Right now I'm getting some sewing on: practical things that I'll need for college. I'm not done with anything though.
It was my best friends birthday today! Last night, we went to a movie- Sweeny Todd. It was really good! I made her a heart thingy. Randomly. I may make more, to put in the shop when it opens up.

It was my best friends birthday today! Last night, we went to a movie- Sweeny Todd. It was really good! I made her a heart thingy. Randomly. I may make more, to put in the shop when it opens up.

I had no machine, so I hand sewed it. I am proud. I may gloat about him somewhere.
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