Sunday, June 24, 2012

DAL Summer 2012 Submission!

I have been wracking my brain to think of something for this round of Design Along - it seemed like I had a mental block all month about it, but I sat down today and sketched out all my ideas.  I narrowed it down to three that I really liked:
  • A Pandora's box shawlette, with different lace panels representing the different things that Pandora let out into the world - skulls for death, boil-like bobbles, dropped stitches, etc.  I realized that this is a cool and kind of dark idea, but I would never have the time to execute it.  And, who am I kidding? I don't wear any of the shawlettes that I've made.
  • A set of fingerless gloves based on Adam and Eve, in a leaf lace pattern that wrapped around the wrist and buttoned up the side. While this would be cool, there's not exactly a shortage of leaf lace fingerless gloves in the world.  I didn't think I was going to bring anything new to that arena.
  • Finally, this:
 Ariadne's Mitts Sketch copy

It's a set of fingerless gloves based on the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur.  The princess Ariadne gave him a thread to find his way out of the labyrinth, and these gloves have embroidery detail that wraps around the hands in patterns as intricate as the person wants.

Yeah, it's a little simple, but it's different and do-able and I'm going to find the perfect yarn this week and the finished project is going to be pretty, just you wait and see!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sweater Quandry


I took my giant red sweater to a baseball game yesterday with my cousin and my uncle because, frankly, CC (my final nickname for this thing) and I are pretty good friends right now.  I was worried that the 1x1 ribbing on the collar would be time consuming, but 4 inches in and it's really just potato chip knitting, as Kathy would say!

But, I woke up this morning and realized...

... I don't know where the written pattern is.

I looked all through my bag, tore apart my mom's guest room, frantically texted the people whose living rooms I've been squatting in sporadically.  It was all to no avail! I went through every book that I had used, in case it slipped into the pages or got mixed up with the mountains of printed articles that I've been carrying around. Nothing.

What's the most annoying is that I clearly remember the last time I had the pattern.  Someone asked me what I was knitting, and I was sitting on a couch and I said "A shrug, here, it will look like this at the end."  I then unfolded the pattern with gusto and showed them the faded picture.  They looked at me as if I was insane.

If only I could remember when and where that happened!  I think I might just finish the sweater from memory.  Once the collar is long enough, I just have to graft the sides of the shrug together and then pick up stitches for the arms...

Or, CC and I can take a break until the piece of paper shows up? I'm sure that it's somewhere, and I will probably find it between someone's couch cushions or under the seat of my Dad's car.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Notice Anything?


I finally finished the gigantic swatch of stockinette stitch that is the cozy cocoon shrug.  Now, I've picked up the 288 stitches of the edging and am working them in K1P1 rib for 4(ish?) inches.


I actually really like this project.  It's strange, because even a year ago I would have looked at this project and scoffed.  "Too much boring stockinette.  And then, you get to do ribbing? For FOUR INCHES? Ugh."

But between working, fixing up my Dad's house, doing research for my graduate project, and fluttering from place to place as only someone that doesn't have an apartment can... I actually welcomed the endless stockinette stitch.  I worked on it while reading Game of Thrones and watching Battlestar with my new boyfriend and listening to an endless list of webinars and reading the thousands of pages of reports on electric power delivery.  Which is the topic of my grad project.

So, I think I'm going to finish my first sweater in four years before the end of summer! And I'm actually excited :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My First FO in a While

Hooray! I finally finished these stress knitting socks for myself.


I love the yarn and the colorway - it's Regia Random Stripe that I got from Rhinebeck this year. 


All in all, they're okay socks - but they sag at the ankle and heel! It's hard to tell from these photos, but as I was wearing them I noticed it.  It sort of makes me feel like an emaciated old lady!

I guess my ankles are just skinnier than my feet.  Who knew? Next time, I'll decrease a few extra stitches at the gusset to make sure the sock sticks.  Another alternative (I think) would be to make the sock longer so that it hits the thicker part of my calf - but I really like the shorter height. 

And, if the socks bother me that much, I'll just give them to my mom :P

Saturday, June 2, 2012

DAL Summer 2012 Mood Board!

Whoohoo! This took way longer than I thought it would.  I tried to get as many photos in that I could.  Anyway, you can download it as a desktop background, too, which I think is super cool.  You can click on the file for a larger image or click here for it.

I can't wait to see the mythology-themed ideas and designs!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lilac Moves



I'm home for the summer, hanging about in my home town.  My mom's garden is in full bloom...

And look who has a new home!


My mom cleared up this space in the backyard, and her boyfriend built Lilac this outdoor pen.  Of course, I'm worried.  Will it be too hot? Well, despite the heat, it's cooler out there than in the house (which is like an oven).  Will she be lonely? What about bugs?


I also planted some seeds for her - arugala, cilantro, parsely, lavendar (okay, that one was more for me).  She also has a whole bed of mixed lettuce, too!



She snubbed me all yesterday evening, going into her little hut whenever I came by to offer her salad or clover or toys.  But this morning, I was putting laundry out and I saw her through the screen door, tossing her wicker ball up and down and generally being happy.  When I came out to give her some salad and a frozen banana, she hopped into the corner and glared at me.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer DAL Mood Board Submissions

Whoa, the past three months have been a blur! It's time for the next round of Design Along, a challenge which asks knit and crochet artists to make up a pattern from theme to finished product.  This round's theme is Mythology, and I have no clue what I'm going to (attempt to) make.  I have some pictures for the board, though.

I picked all my favorite myths :) I will admire someone who can recognize all of them!

Don't go to the forum and cheat before you guess - well, you should click here go to the thread and vote for your favorite submissions, because that makes making the mood board way easier.

You can also submit your own images if you feel inclined - the group is a lot of fun, though most of us haven't been able to make the deadline :X
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