This week has proven to be less hectic than I thought, but much, much more miserable! I have actually knit negative stitches in the past 7 days, since my DAL submission is a mess. I don't know how I'm going to finish it on time - it is, (GAH) a real failure.
But, I've started another thing - mostly inspired by my friends from school. It's called the 30-day character challenge, and there's even a little Tumblr for it! It's really fun to see my friends' ideas... so, I thought I would try it out! Mine is a little different, though, since I thought that each character I make could be a toy design.
I feel like posting a single post every day would be a little too much work for me (it IS finals) so I'm going to post my character on the challenge Tumblr every day, then do a kind of consolidation post each week :)
So... for days 1 - 5...
These are two deer - they're named Dearie and Spot. Not really much else here.
Day number two is Lola. Lola is the only kangaroo out of her friends that doesn't have a kit, and such is incredibly depressed and a tad jealous. She spends her time growing plants in the wasteland for others to enjoy.
Day 3 is Nina. Yes, her name is Nina, and she is a pretty ballerina. I have the complete ABBA discography! Don't judge me!
Day 4 is Windy. Everyone calls her "wine-dee" but her actual name is pronounced closer to "Wendy." She suffers from a genetic condition where instead of getting fatter when she eats, she just gets longer. It's known informally as "Snake-ism."
Day 5 is Senior Lemön, one of two lemon brothers! They cause lots of trouble for small western towns... not really enough to inconvenience people. No one calls them by their names, mostly because they don't know how to say the o with two dots over it...
Anyway, there's week one! Week two will have better pictures (I hope) - I don't have a tablet like other people that are in the challenge (tears) so I'm just scanning doodles that I make throughout the day.
Anyway, there's week one! Week two will have better pictures (I hope) - I don't have a tablet like other people that are in the challenge (tears) so I'm just scanning doodles that I make throughout the day.