And, if you don't do that sort of thing, a good weekend in general.
W and I spent most of Easter hunting for our eggs on his sister's property this year - thankfully, it was only about an hour and 45 minutes in the cold rain and mud. Who started this tradition, anyway!?
We also got to meet Booker T, the cutest puppy ever. I never thought I could like a dog, but I love Pugs.
Speaking of cute, we got to see our nephew! He's the recipient of the sweater I made a while back, though it's still a little small.
On a knitting note, I decided that my punishment for going a month without releasing a design was that I had to submit to a call on Ravelry. So, today I did! I hope it gets accepted, but if not, the pattern is pretty much written - all I need is yarn support, so I could easily submit it somewhere else, or, spend the thirty bucks on yarn and self publish it.