The presents are delivered. Everyone loved them! I'm pretty excited that this Christmas went so well, especially since I made more hand-knit items then ever before this year - five!
Even the slippers, which I was really nervous about, were well received.
As for me, I made out like a bandit. I got a new sewing machine, some rocking boots, and books, to name a few of my favorite gifts. I'm already planning to quilt a bit, having little experience in quilting but a lot of experience reading about quiliting... so here's hoping.
Also in the realm of my life... my Dad's computer got hit by a pretty nasty virus, and I'm having some very bad family problems. I don't like keeping secrets, but the women of my family gathered around a table today and made the decision not to tell certain people in the family things "so that they can enjoy the holidays." I'm happy I got to sit with my family and give my input, but I don't believe in keeping secrets. I'm pretty bummed out about it - can't post here, of course, it wouldn't be a secret - but if you could spare a prayer or a kind thought, I would appreciate it :)