Friday, October 10, 2008

Crazy College Crazy

So, between classes going at 200 mph, drama out the llama, and a sea of sunken expectations, I have not been blogging ever so much lately. Hopefully that will change, when the industry picks up a little (I haven't found very many good patterns lately...)

Anyway, I've been knittin' up a storm, and I've got some awesome projects underway. I'm still waiting for 11/11, when I can order more sock for my Dude pattern but I've also got several other patts in the works, most of them socks. The one I'm working on now is AMAZING; I love it so much. I've also got a Hat from a magazine for a certain someone, that I wanted finished like 3 WEEKS ago, but alas that never happened... for depressing reasons, it was separated from me. Hopefully we'll be reunited this weekend, though.

My sweater is coming along at a decent pace... but I hate it. Really. I'm past the honeymoon period, and into that awkward year before an inevitable divorce where we sleep in separate rooms. I FORCE myself to work on this sweater, only because I don't want to work on it anymore, I just want to be done. It's bulky, and I want it off the needles. I'm not even sure if I'll actually end up wearing it at this rate... I might jsut give it away. BLEH!

Plus, I've started to think that the bobbles look like genitalia... *twitch* Maybe I just have a dirty mind...

Monday, September 22, 2008

DUDE! No way!

So, I absolutely love how this sock turned out, and so does the sweetie. It's comfy, with a tight fit.

The next sock will be the "test sock," I just need to stock up on the yarns. It was surprisingly more than I thought, sadly, because how foot is so darn big! Curse you, male feet. Though, I guess I really shouldn't be complaining... haha.

Anyway, I wuv it. Look for it soon, okay? ;)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Take it apart to put it together right.

I've not had a good week. Knitting wise, my Dude socks are in need of yarn, and my needles got bent. Life wise, I'm back at home due to another death in the family.

My uncle and godfather died on Wednesday, to the surprise of almost every being in the universe. It's so depressing, because he was the nicest person I knew- no lie. He and my aunt were high school sweethearts, almost at their 30th anniversary. He was going to turn 49 on October 5th. My aunt and cousin are so heartbroken, it's horrible to be in the same city, and even my other uncle, who is always very quiet and guarded has been crying since I talked to him on the phone Wednesday night.

My grandfather is also sick in the hospital with a staph infection in his leg.

I feel like my whole life is in crumbles. On top of it all, my family wants me to go to the funeral, which I won't be able to attend because of an exam. If I miss the exam, my teacher won't allow me to make it up, and I'll lose 30% of my grade (meaning it will be almost impossible to pass the course, unless I have a perfect score on the rest of my tests.) I tried to tell my family I couldn't make it, but I feel like I'm abandoning them. My uncle was so kind to me my whole life, and now I'm skipping his funeral because of someone I met two weeks ago.

Hopefully, I'll be able to drive back up to Rochester and take the test early. I don't think so though... I feel like I'll fail the test because I'm so upset, no matter if I take it tomorrow (after driving and crying for two hours) or Monday at 10 AM, just as my brother's helping to carry the casket out of the rain and down the aisle.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Orienting Myself

So... I'm officially in college.  And I officially don't like it as much as I would like sitting at home and having internet.  No pictures, either, since I left my camera cord at home. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

More good news, and a little bad.

One of my designs is going to be published! Metapostmodern knitting sent me a message. I didn't win their sock contest challenge, I ran up!

I thought I'd publish some more sock designs. I don't have my favorite design, it's not on the computer anymore D:

Here's the design that's going to be published next spring, "Dude"

Crappy picture, sorry about that.

Here are my other babies. Please don't copy my designs, but if you'd like me to knit them for you, I will! The only thing keeping the socks on the paper is lack of yarn, really :<

The bad news is, I'm leaving Thursday for college! Waaaah, I'm kind of scared. Unknittably scared. That's pretty scared, for those of you who knit when you're nervous.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another Fetchingly Knit Fetching

So, last night I finished my latest WIP, the one that's been sitting in the bottom of my purse for several weeks.  Anyway, it's another Fetching for mommy dearest.

I love the pictures I took of this, and I'm thinking about entering them in Knitty's calendar contest.

What do you think? Should I give it a go?


Friday, August 1, 2008

Renewed Inspiration

Summertime is a pretty lazy time for me, as far as crafting goes. I've been starting and stopping designs as well as individual projects, and the whole thing's been a drag. Work has consumed the vast majority of my waking hours, along with preparing for college. But a wrong turn onto a parkway renewed my knitting spirit.

I ended up stopping at the Wegmans in my town for coffee milk and sushi, and wandered into the magazine section. There, I browsed the knitting mags in an attempt to consume a fraction of the three hours of spare time I have between dropping my mom off at work and driving myself to work.

Vogue knitting usually isn't my thing, which is why I was a little surprised when I dropped it into my blue basket. Maybe my tastes have matured, or maybe they've become more hip... whatever the case, I brought it home. Now, I plan to use the rest of those three hours knitting.

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