Saturday, August 1, 2015

I'm not dead! I swear!

I've just had another case of the wrist aches. So I've been quiet. I am still working, just so slowly because I can only knit a little bit once in a while.

The good news is, I'm in a program through my new job to strengthen my wrist muscles so that this stuff doesn't happen as often! Maybe one day I can go back to knitting like a maniac. I might even be able to do embroidery again (a lot of my pain is when I pinch, so I can't really hold the needle.)

Anyway, that's all for me. Hope everyone's summer is going great!


  1. I hope it works for you! Can't wait to see you knitting again

  2. Hope everything goes well for you!! I'm sending you loads of hugs!

    Carla, TinyAngryCrafts


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