Sunday, December 28, 2014

My latest FO! Kind of.

So, the best person every, Alysia of Anxiety and Coffee, is getting married in a few days! And I'm in her wedding fellowship, I get to wear a dress and everything.  It's kind of surreal!

But, for her big day I helped make some centerpieces.  These squares are gunna be sewn together to cover vases of paper flowers.


Fascinating, I know.  When the day comes I'll snap a picture of them, ok? Tomorrow we're going to be on the plane to Seattle for tourism and tears (because every good wedding is one you cry at).


  1. Cool! Hope its a wonderful day, can't wait to see the centerpieces. I wanted more knitting in my wedding but didn't have time, but at least I did my earrings and necklace :o)

  2. That's so nice! I hope its a great day, im sure your centre pieces will look fab :)


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