Sunday, October 26, 2014

Other crafts

A week using my laptop at work has really bothered my wrists, so I have been avoiding knitting (what else is new?) and focusing on other endeavors this weekend.

One is drawing a picture of Roo from this photo...


The other is sorting through these books from my dad's and selling them online...


Another is making these stockings for Dan's family...


And finally, I finished a very, very old WIP.  I didn't even put it on Ravelry, because I thought I would publish the pattern.  I'm still not very into it, but it has a little bit of sentimental value.  He's my first felting project! I used Paton's wool, and a big rubbermaid container and a plunger.  I remember sitting in the bathroom of my dorm pounding it in water and soap with the plunger.  He's a slug!


I was so "creative" then... I had so many ideas.  Now I guess they've all dried up.  Or I just feel like I don't have the time to do them, or I think they're not worth my time.  Whelp... sorry, that was me being a bit of a downer.


Don't you think he looks a little nervous? I think his mouth is so cute!


  1. He's sad because he needs a friend. He's a lonely slug (and a totally cute one by the way.)

    Love the photo of Roo.

  2. Super digging the slug! And I can't wait to see the stockings :)

  3. Very cute slug ... I haven't done any felting yet. Those inspirations come and go ... there have been times I don't feel like doing anything, but when it hits, I have a bajillion ideas and not enough time!

  4. hey, Allie, don't get discouraged. I run across past projects all the time, and sometimes I am amazed at how good I was back then, and sometimes I'm amazed at how I sucked. we evolve, shit happens. I've been watching you since the Anticraft days, and you are baking up nicely.

  5. hey, Allie, don't get discouraged. make a friend for your slug or don't. make something else. your creativity is boundless, and something else will come. I too have been watching you since the AntiCraft days, and you are growing and changing and it's all a process. love, Rowan


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