Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Red Right Ankle

Okay, so it's my left ankle, but whatever. 


Saturday I fell on ice and twisted my ankle really bad.  One of the ligaments is torn.  The picture above was from last night - today the area is still swollen, though not as bad.  It is all yellow and there is a black spot blossoming in the center.

On top of that, I'm travelling for work.  So pain + homesickness + overwork = grumpy.

Thankfully it's not broken. My life would be so miserable right now if it was.

I have some happier, knitting-related posts coming up!


  1. That looks so painful. OUCH OUCH Ouch. the swelling is impressive!

  2. I feel your pain....I did the same thing on icy/slush a few weeks ago and did hairline-fracture the end of the tibia. I'm finally back to walking and only limping a little. Get well...stay off it as much as you can. Helen

  3. Oh man! I hope you are feeling better now! I am behind on my blog reading. OUCH!


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