Monday, March 31, 2014

Dream Yarn... Dream Shawl

So, for Christmas my friend Ash gave me some AWESOME yarn.  I mean ridiculously awesome.  Qivuit sock yarn for both me and Dan, which I immediately placed on our dining room table and let sit for a few months while I decided what to do with it.

That's the best way for me to figure out what to do with yarn.  I just put it somewhere where I'll see it often, and every time I see it I think "Hmm... what should I do with this?" for a split second.  After doing this roughly thirty thousand times, I have an epiphany and suddenly discover the perfect project.

For this yarn, though, I didn't know what to make.  I didn't want to make socks - the yarn is just too soft, too nice... no, no way.  I thought about combining the two colors (red and sepia) to make a scarf.  But, no, the intent was something for me and something for Dan, so... I couldn't justify that in my head.

Finally, when I went to Kentucky, I took just the red yarn, wound in a cake.  I figured that this would finally give me the impetus to cast on some socks for myself.  BUT - when I looked for patterns, I had my epiphany.  No, I couldn't knit socks with this - I had to make a shawl.

What shawl? Well, there only seemed to be one option.  I have been eyeing the Haruni Shawl for a long time, and what better excuse to make it now!

So, I cast on for this shawl two weeks ago, and I'm already halfway done.


Maybe it's just a rebound project, while Dan's Rainbow socks sit forlorn in their little project bag, being surly.  Maybe I should work on them today...

(Also, sorry for the lack of photos! I thought I had taken some but it turns out that I never took one of the yarn when I first got it... Which is bad of me, I should have put it into my rav stash right away!)


  1. That is a gorgeous shawl and you made a great choice.

  2. That is a gorgeous color and the pattern is pretty too.

    "COULD" you have made socks with it? Would the yarn have been strong enough?

    I can only imagine that much softness on MY FEET! That would be lovely.

  3. I am the EXACT SAME WAY about my stash! I never take a picture of anything lol I'm getting better, but a lot of times I'll take one picture for the blog and then it's hard to use that on Rav because how can you tell what's what? And then also a lot of stash (oh god, so much of it) is's not even worth burning, as someone had suggested, because it would just melt and cause lung cancer in my neighborhood. So clearly it's not worth stashing that yarn, right? Dilemmas!


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