Wednesday, December 18, 2013

WIP Wednesday!

It's almost the end of the year, and I'm almost done with my projects!  All I have to do is the button band and buttons on my sweater.


Dan's sock is going okay - it's a little slow because his feet are so big! But I think I've figured it out.


And my Pomatomus socks... well, coming along slowly! But they might be done before the end of the year.  We'll see.


Well... have a good rest of the week.  I'm going to go paint my nails.  That photo is almost embarrassing.


  1. Love the Pomatomas socks. I will definitely have to try that pattern next year.

  2. What's the yarn for Dan's socks. I like the colors. :) Helen

  3. WHo is looking at your toes??? I LOVE those socks…way too intricate for me! You are making a great pair of socks…keep going!


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