Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busy Busy

I'm working a lot lately... trying to finish stuff for the end of the year! At home, I'm doing the same thing.  I washed and blocked my sweater this weekend, all I have to do is sew in all the seams and make the button bands!


I'm really excited.  Thought I realize that I would have helped myself out a lot by blocking sides that were supposed to be sewn together next to eachother so I could make sure they were the same length... live and learn! Next year, my new year's resolution is going to be to have less projects going on at once.  I can't keep track of everything.



  1. haha, I know how you feel- you always realise something after you have done it :P Haha I suppose that is just life, lol!

  2. I know what you mean...the end of the year is keeping me quite busy.

    The color of your sweater is pretty.

  3. It is going to be sooooo beautiful put together.. Hooray


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