Sunday, November 24, 2013

How I Spent My Weekend

When I was in elementary school, we had to write in "journals." A lot of times the writing was prompted, like "What is your favorite dessert?" - and a very common one was "What did you do on the weekend?"

I'm some people can't really answer the question "What did you do on the weekend?" in an interesting way.  They say something like "Oh, just stayed in, didn't really do much..." before the conversation turns to sports or the news or the weather.  I can't be like that.  Even when I stay in, I still have to do some sort of project or I will just have so much energy that I can't hold it in and I'll have to do yoga or go to the gym.

Don't ask me how vacations are.  Dan thinks I'm obnoxious!


This weekend has been a weekend in.  And I'm really enjoying it - my sweater is on track (only had a sleeve and the bands to go!) and I've baked and walked around Target and watched Friends for the first time.

But most importantly... we had the first snow!  Our cars were covered in it when we woke up! I'm sure it'll be all melted before noon, but... it's here! SNOW!




  1. Relaxing weekends in front of the tv with a project are nice :) xxx

  2. How fun. I LOVE that you got to relax and knit and watch TV. The days are only getting busier this time of is great to chill
    hooray for snow. im ready

  3. I sure do miss snow! Well, at least I THINK I do. LOL

    Glad you had a great weekend knitting.

    We were out shopping for a TV and something to put it on. Found the furniture. Still have to decide on the TV.


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