Saturday, October 19, 2013

I. AM. AN. IDIOT! (The reprise)


Sock toes were finished out, nice and even.  I laid them out to admire my handiwork, and I felt something was wrong.  It wasn't like when I tried them on before.  No, this was much, much deeper.

I was taking the photos, and the thought surfaced in my head like a sunrise.

Wrong sock.

Wrong sock.

It was like the big reveal of a thriller, where scenes flash really fast across the screen and you in the theatre seat realize it as the leading actor's jaw drops. Picture some voice echoing here.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong sock sock sock sock


I cut the wrong sock.


Should I be laughing or crying? Dan laughed at me.

I took this picture but it sums up how I feel pretty well.  I think these things are going to sit in the knitting basket for a bit.



  1. Oh Lordy THAT is annoying. Maybe a little time out will teach that yarn a lesson.

  2. Oh no! I'd cry :( Don't throw them away, though! You can just do it over in a few months when you want to look at it again!

  3. Yeah... I'd bin them. Put it down to experience and practice of the pattern. Have a break, then knit them again. I look forward to seeing the finished socks.Good Luck!

  4. And how about doing the toes in a different color? Just to prove who's in charge of things! Oh dear, you have to laugh or you would cry. Helen

  5. oh man. those socks are cursed. i would put them in time out for a good long while. make them think about what they did.

  6. O.M.G! uncool man! i'd have had it with them!

  7. dang it!! Id wet the short one and stretch it out and hope....


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