Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Giving In

Ever just have a bad day? I had a bad day yesterday. I got really sick at work, went home and slept all afternoon.  It was horrible!

Before Dan came home, I got up and said "You know what? I'm going to live my life to the fullest. I'm not going to put off stuff because I'm ridiculously busy! I'm going to work better at scheduling knitting time, and friend time, and just regular time doing regular things, because this isn't working."

So apparently that translates to "I'm going to buy stuff that I want online," because not five minutes later I was faced with this.

knit picks conf

I told myself, though, no starting it when it arrives unless my sweater is finished! (HAR.) I will only allow myself one BIG knitting project at a time...  I think that's a good recipe for sanity.


  1. Ugh, after the day I had, I'm almost ready to treat myself to some more Felici (I've got my eye on Maple Leaves and Spooky), but I have a yarn crawl on Saturday and I'm hoping that will do the trick to get me out of my funk. Fingers crossed!

  2. SO! Does that mean you bought the stuff to make that really beautiful blanket?

  3. Aww feel better honey! Yeah for yarn cures

  4. Well, good luck with keeping all those excellent resolutions - I have never ever managed it!

  5. Oh I've been there many times ... and I am almost certain that I solved it exactly the same way ..


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