Sunday, July 21, 2013

... And in with the new!

My mom came to visit this weekend, so, there's one excuse for not knitting as much.  The other, is what my mom brought with her.


... A new TV! I am freaking out right now.  We've already watched a movie, played flash games, browsed reddit... now Dan is playing Metro 2033. 

Setting up the TV made me realize how much clutter we have in our house.  We've lived together for almost a year, and things still don't have a "place," you know? After we set up the TV, I had the overwhelming urge to start organizing things.  I started to think about how much our "styles" clash.

For example, this /lovely/ couch... With embroidered pillow and stuffed animals (mine),Star Wars poster (his), plants (mine) and Dungeons and Dragons paraphernalia (his.)  It's just... kind of strange looking.


Anyway, my next project is this:


I call it the "hobby room," buut I think the technical word is "that room in the house that you put everything that you don't have a place for."


  1. We have *that* room in our house, too. And since we only have two bedrooms and one of them is *that* room, it would really behoove me to tidy it up. I'm in no rush, although I might take a crack at it tomorrow when I clean up everything before the fancy bank people come to make us sign refinancing paperwork. You'd think that would be enough motivation to make me lay down my knitting. You'd think it, but you'd be mistaken.

    Cross your fingers and hope for a miracle.

  2. rest assured you are NOT Alone. We all have those drawers and rooms and nooks where we need to clean it up. Love the new tv

  3. lucky you with the new tv! :) Yes, I have a couple of draws like your 'hobby room' :P xxx

  4. I've just started doing that with "my" room. I don't have my own furniture, just stuff that didn't "go" any place else. I'm currently looking for a vintage desk at an affordable price. I'll work outward from there.

  5. We had one of those rooms in our first place, too... it almost made me wish we just had one bedroom so we would have been forced to get rid of the extra stuff. Then, we moved and had kids, so our stuff is gone, but has been replaced by kid stuff (which multiplies at night, I swear).


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