Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tiny update


I am progressing slowly on my Rock Island Shawl, I managed to knit three rows - THREE - in the last two weeks.  I am almost ashamed at that.  That's hardly anything! 

I also haven't been keeping up on blogs because RRSOwl has failed me miserably.  Things refuse to load, feeds disappear, and I can't find any help anywhere.  Woe is me, right? I jumped on the feedly bandwagon, anyway, so hopefully this will work better.

Of course, nothing matters if I don't have thirty minutes each day to look at the actual feeds or pick up needles.  And right now, I don't... which is really starting to damage my calm.


  1. I hate when my calm gets damaged. (And, it has happened a LOT lately.) Hope your calm gets restored soon.

    The shawl looks lovely.

    I'm doing Feedly and I really like it. Took a little bit to get used to it, but now that I am --- bye bye Google Reader. Won't miss you.

  2. 3 rows is still three more rows than you had at the beginning of the two weeks! I've been real busy too, neglecting my poor knitting. It's all good, though. Busy patches (usually) pass, and we'll both get back to our knitting eventually!

  3. it is looking good so far! :)

  4. OH well the progress my be slow for you but its impressive to me anyhow.
    Heres to finding more knit/karma time!


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