Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tiny update


I am progressing slowly on my Rock Island Shawl, I managed to knit three rows - THREE - in the last two weeks.  I am almost ashamed at that.  That's hardly anything! 

I also haven't been keeping up on blogs because RRSOwl has failed me miserably.  Things refuse to load, feeds disappear, and I can't find any help anywhere.  Woe is me, right? I jumped on the feedly bandwagon, anyway, so hopefully this will work better.

Of course, nothing matters if I don't have thirty minutes each day to look at the actual feeds or pick up needles.  And right now, I don't... which is really starting to damage my calm.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Miniature Statues

This year's Imagine RIT project is really cool - I'm sorry I'm not going to be around to see it.  I'm still helping out Hooks and Needles, though, by knitting a teeny tiny Sentinel statue!  I love the challenge, though the wires that I'm using to hold it up are very sharp, and too thin because I bought the wrong gauge. Derp.

I'm not so sure how it looks so far... Though it's turning out more and more like the statue, the statue looks like a pile of junk to me, so... it's been tough.


What do you think? Do you see a resemblance? If you squint?