Monday, March 25, 2013

Mail Coming and Going

I sent a lot of mail over the weekend - my mom's birthday gift, my redditgifts yarn swap, and a mountain of letters.  And today, I got some mail!


It's an embroidery thread holder from Bugs and Fishes! I won it over at her blog a while ago.  I love her blog, by the way, and her felt squares are my favorite things in the world.  (I used them to make my hedgehogs, but she doesn't sell them anymore.)

I can't wait to embroider something... my fingers are just itching.  I have way too many projects on the docket ;)

Oh, P.S. - she also included one of her Vintage Scissor cards.  It's really nice quality and looks like a work of art! I'm contemplating putting it on my wall.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what you embroider!! Those colors are lovely.


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