Friday, March 15, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

I got nominated for this award by Jordan from In It to Knit It.  You give eleven random facts, then answer 11 random questions.

So, here are my facts:
1. When I was little I slammed my hand in a car door and can't bend the first joint of my left ring finger.
2. I love listening to people talk.  Everyone has a story and once they start talking it's amazing what everyone has in common.
3.  My Myers-Briggs type is ESFJ, which is the "nurturer" subtype.  My type has changed 4 times since I first took it five years ago.
4.  I try really, really hard to eat healthy, but I have a craving for cheeseburgers that is bigger than most lolcats.
5.  I am addicted to reddit.  I check it on my phone every chance I get!
6.  I keep a journal.  I think it's the best idea to write in one, especially when making a big decision.  I have looked back on my journals and thought "Right, that's why I did that... I forgot."
7.  I have lots of good friends, but they don't know eachother well, and I'm nervous when I get married and they are all my bridesmaids they won't like eachother.
8.  Sometimes I stop and think and am amazed at normal things like GPS (four satellites?!) and the fact that we walk on two legs.
9.  Sometimes I get this burst of energy and want to run.  It doesn't last long. It reminds me a little bit of rabbits, they do something similar.
10. I do a little yoga every day.  My dream is to be able to do firefly pose.  I never look as graceful as photos of yoga on the internet.
11.  I am devestated by the fact that Google Reader is going away in July.  That website is like my connection to all my "online friends."

Jordan's questions were:
1. What is your favourite holiday destination?
 Until recently, I didn't have an answer to this... but then I went to Maine with my boyfriend last summer.  So yeah, that! How can you say no to a view like this:
2. What is your favourite type of food e.g. Mexican, Italian, etc...?
I really like Pho.  It's the best comfort food for me, but I can't eat a whole bowl!
3. If you had an elephant what would you name it?
Mr. Sniffles.  Even if it was a girl :)
4. If you could do any job for a day what would it be?
I wouldn't want to change my job.  Ask me again in ten years maybe?
5. If you had to change your name what would you change it too?
I would pick something easy to spell.  Maybe Alice Jones?  It's hard being the only Alyssa Lynough on the internet, so Alice Jones would probably blend in well.
6. Do you play nay sports?
No.  I used to play tennis but haven't since highschool.
7. What is your favourite item of clothing you own?
Any of my hand knit socks.
8. Do you play any instruments?
I can play flute and guitar, though I haven't played either in a while.
9. Can you speak any other languages?
I can speak French and ASL enough to be understood.
10. What is your favourite dessert?
It depends on the time of year. Spring - Strawberry Shortcake; Summer - Key Lime Pie; Winter - Chocolate Bread Pudding.
11. Fruit or vegetables?
That's hard.  I would probably pick vegetables because they're healthier.

So, now that that's done... I'm going to nominate eleven people! You don't have to pass it on, it's just fun. 

My eleven people are...
1. Sara from KnottyGome Crafts
2. Dee from Tangled Up in Sticks and String
3. Kathy from Irish Eyes Knitters
4. Rilana from PDX Princess
5. Mummybear from Slugs and Snails
6. Kate from Knits In Class
7. Louise from Wildflower Wool
8. Kate from Under the Red Umbrella
9. Alysia from Anxiety and Coffee
10. Carla from Tiny Angry Crafter
11. Emily from Yarn Miracle

And my questions are...
1. What little thing are you amazed at right now?
2. What can someone do that will cheer you up almost no matter what?
3. The ocean or the beach?
4. What's your favorite word?
5. If you had all the time and all the money and no carpal tunnel, what would you knit/crochet?
6. What's one thing that you loved as a kid that you're not sure why you liked now?
7. What's your spirit animal? (Be as silly as possible.)
8. If you were stranded on a desert island, what snack would you miss the most?
9. If you had the ability to go anywhere just by thinking about it BUT you were invisible and couldn't be heard or interact with anything, where would you go?
10. You get home to find a mysterious package.  You open it up, and inside is that thing that you need right now.  What is it?
11. What is your worst knitting or crochet mistake that you're comfortable talking about?

Wow, I really like asking random questions.  I think that was the fastest part of this blog post.  Anyway, I'm excited to see what the answers are! (Or if people read my blog... >_>) 


  1. Thank you sooo much for the award. I love your questions and your answers. I have to think about mine
    and I have find REDDIT..what is it?? im going to google it now

  2. hehehe, It was fun reading the answers for the questions I wrote :P And you facts were fun too :)


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