So, last night I finally got around to sorting through my favorite pictures from last week. I thought I'd share them with you guys!
I really like this self portrait for some reason, though, I have a small place in my heart for photos of me taking photos.
The best sunrise:
The best sunset:
Fourth of July Fireworks:
Adorable puppy named Elliot:
Oh, and halfway through the vacation I found out that my camera actually has a setting that imitates tilt shift, so I kind of went crazy with that!
Really, the number of tilt-shifty photos is enough to make someone suspicious that I only SAID I went to Maine, when really I spent a week in my basement making scale models of Portland landscapes. The area is just beautiful, and I would have a lot more photos but most of them were old houses. Definitely on my list of "places I want to live" (which isn't very long, really.)