Sunday, December 4, 2011


Yes, I'm aware that the title of this post is not a word.  It is more like an onomatopeia, an expression of the feelings I've been feeling over the past week or two.  My new quarter has started, and I did a really stupid thing and picked 20 credits worth of classes.  Also, I'm driving back and forth between Rochester and work, and putting in between 15 and 20 hours for them each week!

Factor in trying to have a relationship, being president of a club... there is little to no designing going on, and very little crafting! 


But, I have an apartment! It's a different room in my old apartment, so it's nice and familiar.  Also, I got to take all of my junk out of storage, which is always a plus! It's so nice to have a quiet space to study and do work in, and not feel like I'm troubling people all the time by sitting on the couch or at their table, or cooking in their kitchen.


I have been working for the Hooks and Needles craft sale, too! I managed to finish five softies and four hats, which I'm pretty proud of considering I haven't even finished W's puppets... I had a bit of an assembly line going for hedgehogs but I never finished them.  Right now these are sitting on my desk...


With THESE...


Super delicious and colorful felt from Lupin Handmade. My housewarming present to me. :)

On top of all these things, the new DAL mood boards are done! My co-admin of the group made it, so, I'm really grateful.  I seriously don't know what I'd do without her :)


  1. -sends every hug- I wish you luck with everything. <3
    Yay on getting an apartment! It looks very cozy.

  2. The hedgehogs are so cute!

    Congrats on the new apartment.


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