Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's OVER! Oh, and I got to meet Anne Hanson!

First thing's first... my academic quarter is officially over as of today! I am so, so, so relieved, and so exhausted.  I can't wait for a good week and a half of vacation, then moving into my new apartment.  It's going to be nice to have a room to myself with a desk instead of, say, this:


Oh, see that bright thing on the table?  Monday, my friend Rebecca called me and said "The Rochester Knitting Guild is meeting tonight and I want to check it out... want to come with?"  Another knitting club to go to? Hot swift!

Anyway, I went on their website and saw that Anne Hanson, from Knitspot, was going to be there! I've been following her blog for a while, and I though - huh, funny, I never really looked at her patterns.  So I spent a few hours doing that on Ravelry - yes, maybe a good hour and a half.  There are a LOT of patterns!  I finally decided on making some Longjohn Socks.  It just seemed like a great mindless sock project for me to work on... and I'm loving it so far. 


It's been hard for me to knit with all the stress I've been under.  I enjoyed listening to Anne speak, but I liked being able to sit and knit just as much! It was also really cool to hear about her inspiration and see photos of her finished works juxtaposed against the photos that inspired them.  At the end, she even signed a paper copy of a fingerless gloves pattern that I bought!


It was also really exciting to see her trunk so - and to see all the versions of projects that people had brought with them. I wish I had brought W's DSLR so I could have shot photos of the night!

And, at the end of it all, I went home and made a creamsicle float.



  1. Congrats on finishing your quarter! I hope you take a load off!

  2. Congrats on finishing the quarter!! Have fun celebrating with knitting and adorable animals :3

  3. I love your sock start. I must go look at her patterns. Thanks for the tip.
    Happy end of the school part year. My son is having finals now too...very stressful

  4. Good for you! Enjoy your break. Glad the knitting is helping to relieve the stress.

  5. Congrats on finishing the quarter! Enjoy your time off!

    Supremely jealous you got to meet Anne Hanson - I absolutely love her patterns. They are the only lace patterns I've been able to work without frustration.

  6. Very cool. Sounds like a great time. Congrats on the quarter finish!


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