Friday, October 14, 2011

RIT After Class Showcase!

Today I spent my day in the SAU, hanging out and telling people "Yes, we're the knitting and crochet club." "No, really, everyone tells me they've never heard of us. That's why I'm here!"  We probably had the most traffic out of any of the other (four? six?) tables there, mostly because of our choice location.

Mostly because of these guys.  I REALLY need to make at least a hundred more so I can sell them at our craft table in December.  Gak.


Plenty of people joined to show all of our awesome skillz.  Or, just sit and craft and eat ice cream.


All and all, a good day, and also, there was this:


I've claimed some of W's homosode board (he's not shooting until November, anyway, right?) and I'm going to block this baby tonight.  Rhinebeck, here we come!!


  1. The hedgehogs are ADORABLE!!!

    Have a good time @ Rhinebeck.

  2. Heh, did you use a doctor who scarf to model your hedgehogs? =D

  3. Looks like you had a fun day. How was Rhinebeck?

  4. Yay for you! Those hedgehogs are the cutest.

  5. The hedgehogs are sooooo cute! XD



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