Monday, October 3, 2011

My Random Monday - October 3rd

1.  I have bronchitis.  This explains a lot of how I've been doing these past 10 days.  The health center thinks that I got a cold, then it's developed into bronchitis because I haven't been "taking care of myself."

2.  Considering that I've been sleeping for twelve hours at a time, forcing myself to eat, and still managing to do the chores around the house and "most" of my homework, I seriously wish someone at the health center would define "taking care of myself!"

3.  Also, my lost camera has not turned up.  I only assume that it's living a happy life taking photos for someone else's blog (though, if my camera benefactor ever reads this, if you could send me the touristy photos I took I'd really appreciate it, since all W really took were  artsy photos of birds.)

4.  Speaking of W, he is letting me use his camera but it's a Nikon D300 and it's really, really fancy.  It took me 20 minutes to take photos of the yarn I bought on Saturday.

5.  Oh, I bought yarn Saturday.


Plymouth Encore in bright colors for an upcoming craft table that Hooks and Needles is going to do as a fundraiser.  I'm going to un-vent some flowers, and make little Inkly's, and maybe some hedgehogs if I can find the yarn.


Mini Mochi to go with the Mini Mochi I already have in my stash to make a Mini Mochi striped scarf (like a Noro striped scarf, but without the Noro because... I'm still not convinced I want to try Noro) for myself.


Some cotton that was in the sale bin that will make good fingerless gloves.  It's organic, naturally dyed cotton and it only cost $3.90 for the two skeins! Who says yarn stores are pricey? :P

6.  I ended up finding another mistake on my shawlette last night (besides the surprise stitches) - I had messed up the lace pattern beyond tinking back, so I just frogged back to the lifeline.  Stitch count for the entire weekend: -15. 


  1. Awww, I hope that you feel better soon. I hate being sick. Yay for yarn buying, though. :-)

  2. Feel better soon! By the way, I can't believe you are knitting and finding mistakes while you're sick. That's when I make all my mistakes :)

  3. Arrrgh ... I hate when I have a negative stitch count!

    The new yarns look lovely. I like Mini Mochi. It's SO soft. Much softer than Noro, even though I like Noro too.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. atta girl. Lifelines are for just aht!
    I Love the mini mochi colors...I dont like how starchy NORO is, maybe i'd like min

  5. I have a head cold. It's not nearly as bad as bronchitis, but I still sympathize.

    And I had a similar problem with the shawl I'm designing, so I sympathize with the rippage, too!

  6. Hope you feel better soon! Maybe the yarn can cure you.

  7. Hope you feel better! Love the mini mochi!

  8. Love the new yarn! You should give Noro a try, I really like it. Good luck with the shawl.


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