Friday, October 28, 2011

Best Gift EVER!

I have the greatest, most greatest BKFF (Best knitting friends forever).  At club last night, Ash gave me THESE...




I am seriously going to treasure these forever.  I can't take my HazWOpER refresher this year because I have a class that meets - this totally makes up for it.  I had them clean up some cocoa today.


Part of me just wants to carry these around with me and photograph them cleaning up spills.


The most amazing thing is that I've had a pretty crummy week, and these have just made it. I've found that my happiness can be won over with presents.  What cool things cheer you up, Internet friends?


  1. Oh man, those are AWESOME! I'm glad they were able to cheer you up :3

    I usually am cheered up with gifts of tea, and letters from friends. Oh, and zoo trips, those always cheer me up.

  2. How wonderful!! I've always appreciated this advice that I got when I was young like you: "You should go through life like a child with her face pushed up against the window of the bus...looking out". Being easily pleased (or amused) makes you a wonderful friend/partner and a happy person, overall. For me, it's some new roving or fiber!! Hugs--

  3. I love the poses you did with them -- how cute! I find that little things make my day so much of the time, whether it's a bunch of flowers or my kids making me a picture. Glad that your friends were able to cheer you up!

  4. Omg, I loooove Playmobils! When I was little we had a huuuge collection - mostly pioneers. They are so cute and funny.

    I'm sorry you've had a crummy week! Hopefully things will start to look up soon. When I'm bummed, I like to watch movies. Escapism all the way.

  5. Super cute!!! I'd be carrying these guys in my pocket all over the place if they were mine! You never know when you might come across some hazardous material that needs cleaning.

  6. That is SOOOOO COOL! Do it! Photograph them with every spill! It will never grow old! ;)

  7. Allison
    THIS was hysterical......ha ha you made me laugh out loud!
    Hope the week eases up. .One day at a time friend, One day at a time


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