Saturday, September 17, 2011

Taking on the Heritage Festival!

For some reason we keep forgetting things, and keep coming home every weekend.  I'm not mad, because it gives me peace and quiet to do my homework and once in a while cool stuff like this happens - the Heritage Festival!  It was way better than it looked from outside of the park - we almost didn't go in because you had to pay $4 and we "just wanted food."  Well, definitely well worth $4! I met a ton of really cool people from around W's hometown that do all sort of crafts.   Here's a snippet:


This guy used to sell lanterns, then decided to collect them.  He had the same lantern that my brother got me as a birthday present when we were small. 


One woman quilted Civil-War Era replica quilts, and had an amazing tent full of those. Another did bobbin lace - completely fascinating, but even more of a time suck than knitting.


Walking through the festival, I seriously had to tell myself. "You don't want to be a serial crafter.  You don't want to get a serial crafter. RESIST!"  No stall tested my moxy more than this one:


Dyeing! The yarn in the stall were all naturally dyed, hand-spun wool.  The woman even led me over to the garden of the replica house and showed me the plants she used! "This is indigo," etc!  She had a whole range of materials, and suggested if I wanted to try to check out the books she had on display.


I also got my shopping on (well, I made W buy things) and bought these bone earrings for $4! The guys collects bones from a local butcher that dresses meats for hunters and farms in the area.  Kind of gruesome, but if you think about it, he's basically taking trash (the butcher gives him the bones) and making something cool out of it. 


There was also a knitting lady that I chatted with, who was happy to find someone who appreciated her work! Her stitches were so neat, perfectly done on every sweater.  She told me "If you like something, just steal it with your eyes.  You seem smart enough to figure it out!" As we walked away, W and I fantasized about selling things at craft sales.  Of course, what would I sell!?

Also, do you see that yellow sweater on the bottom right?  I have some yarn in that same color - and I figured out what to do with it! A sweater for W's mom! :)

Anyway, I also bought a Christmas ornament made with a craft called quilling! It seems too delicate to put on a tree, so I think I'm going to have it framed.  Maybe one day I'll make some snowflakes to match it and have a set for Christmas time!

All in all, I'm happy I took two hours from my homework to go!


  1. We have something like this in my hometown!!! It's called the "Fall Festival"! It's free to get in, has awesome foods, all sorts of amazing crafts and such (even candles, and knitting, and all sorts of awesome stuff!!). I'm actually really really depressed because this year it's the 24th, the Saturday before my wedding. I just can't afford a 6 hour trip 7 days before my wedding. And it's the first time in I-don't-know-when that I haven't gone with my Mom and sisters (and now my niece!). It's so much fun! I love fall festivals!

  2. Oh that looked so lovely! I'm sure we have something similar in SD (but probably in NorthCounty....)
    Those bone earrings sound pretty awesome to me :3

  3. Very cool. I've seen quilling before at a local historical venue. They sell kits at craft stores .... but yeah, something else to take up time and money, LOL!

  4. I know it's hard to resist spending everything you have at a craft fair. This one looks awesome.

  5. Wow, that fair sounds soo great! I wish I could have had a look round :0)

  6. Bobbin lace is fascinating but you are right about the time suck aspect.


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