Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Your August Crafting Horoscope - Brought to you by Lilac

 Hello again, hoomans! Lilac here, hopping onto the compooter to say, where is the fan mail? I mean, you comment and email about how much you love me, but where are the carrots? I have yet to get carrots in the mail.  Then, I will consider myself a star.

Besides staring at my slave endlessly and sitting in front of my wind-making robot, I have also been studying the ancient hooman art of astrology.  I am really a quite educated rabbit, and enjoy studying different hooman beliefs.  Having lived with hoomans for 4 out of the 5 months of my life, I consider myself something of an expert in them.  I thought it was time that I share my gift with the world, so if you want to read on after the jump, you can find your crafty horoscope for the month of August, based on your Sun Sign. 

August 2011 Craftoscopes:
As uranus travels through your sign, expect confusion! Don't be ashamed to put a project in time out if you just can't seem to pick it up - but don't frog it! If you put it aside for a while, things will click later.

Jupiter is slowly making it's way through your house, staying put until June of 2012.  This means you and every other sign are feeling an increased practicality.  Have you started your Christmas knitting yet?  You might be able to finish it all this year!


Your key planet, mercury, is in retrograde for almost the whole month! This means bad luck for you! Be careful what new projects you start - you will be prone to making a lot of silly mistakes!

You really need to express yourself this month! Start a challenging project, pick up a new skill, maybe even branch out into a new craft - your creativity needs an outlet, you just need to find it! Be nice to your rabbit.

Happy Birthday! Even though Mercury is in retrograde, it's travelling through your sign, so you shouldn't feel the effect as much as others.  Your welcome! Instead of yarn, spend some birthday money on escarole, then mail it to your favorite blogging rabbit.

Venus in your sign later this month makes you feel like you are extra fluffy and cute and be-you-ti-ful!  You may find yourself thinking about love, even attracting love (old and new!).  Just don't knit them a sweater, okay? Trust me, I'm a rabbit.  It's not a curse.  They really just don't like sweaters.

Mars is going to be squaring off with your house, so you may feel some anger building up to levels even your typically reserved self has trouble handling.  Don't loose your temper when your hoomans refuse to give you more carrots, and don't take your frustration out on your crafting!

Venus is square to you this month, making you feel a need for love, attention, and nose pets.  If you aren't finding this in other hoomans, think about giving your rabbit carrots - she will pretend to love you.  The projects for you this month are easy, quick ones that give you instant gratification.  Have you ever tried knitting toys?

Though Mercury is in retrograde, it's trine to your sun, meaning you feel an easy time putting your thoughts into words when others are struggling.  Now is a good time to write a pattern, tutorial, or think about teaching someone to knit or crochet.  Your smooth words could even get you a discount in yarn - you never know until you try!
Mars opposing your house leads to unbalanced feelings of rage!  You may find yourself stomping your feet to scare away the hoomans more than normal this month.  Forgive them! And, when you're crafting, watch your tension!
Venus opposite your sun makes you feel like indulging, but don't break the bank! Self-discipline is your word of the month.  When buying yarn, make sure that there's still enough room in your house for you to sleep, and when starting projects, ask yourself: "Will I be seeing this through or will I loose interest on the 123rd row of seed stitch?"
Mars trine to your sign makes you want to start new projects.  Go ahead, but keep your feet on the ground! Do you have enough yarn to bomb that famous landmark?  Is that alpaca farm really a good idea with a yarn your size?


  1. Your hairdo is even more awesome than usual. :)

    Sorry about the lack of fan carrots…

  2. You have quite the grasp on astrology. I guess I will tread lightly around my projects this month so I don't get angry.

  3. Love it, this should be a regular feature for Liliac!!! I have thought of making toys!!

  4. Love, love, love the bunny. You are too cute

  5. Hahahaa :) Lilac, you are very sweet i'm sure you will get a carrot soon!

  6. I am so impressed with your talent and beauty, Lilac!

  7. Oh my, Lilac. You are an accurate little fuzz ball. Thank you for you're purls of wisdom. You are too kind to us hoomans.

  8. HA! So neat! I'm a Sagittarius, and I have been seriously considering making a Knitting Club at my High School, and that would include teaching people to knit! I already have about 10 people that would join, too. Lilac, you are so smart. If I were you, I would expect lots of fan-carrots from us hoomans!


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