Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well, today is my 21st birthday.  As of this moment, my plans are:
  1. Get my free Grand Slam at Denny's for breakfast
  2. Get my free burger from Ruby Tuesday's for lunch (I'm in the birthday club :) )
  3. After work, buy some booze and sit at home with Lilac, watching Hulu.  
  4. Maybe make birthday cupcakes if I have energy.
It's tough, having your first birthday far from home.  My dad and brother came out, bringing all the stuff I left home, so that was a gift in itself! Extra clothes, towels, and now I can boil water, gee whizz!  My mom also sent up my entire yarn stash, and a some succulents for my dark apartment.



She also sent a nice little pot for Lilac, which was happily devoured - she's now working on a basket. I'm thinking of buying some cat grass for her to munch on, but I don't know if she'll like it.  I guess if she doesn't I can just put it out on my porch.


Anyway, like I said, it's kind of a bummer spending such a major birthday alone with no friends or family.  So here's some pictures of Lilac.

"What's this, Slave?"
I call this one "SOON."
This one is just scary!
Tuckered out after a hyperactive bun run.

I got some nice presents, but mostly cards or money that I'm going to use to buy stuff I need.  I have a short list of stuff I want, and I'm putting up here so I can remember... though I probably will never buy these things XD

(From top to bottom, left to right)
  • Garnet Mitts for the Summer Bead Along - I already have the yarn and beads! (Yes, I totally gave up on my bed design- that was SO doomed from the start!
  • A new battery charger for my camera... =__=
  • Marlene Socks.  I HAD the issue of Knit.1 that these were in, but I lost it somehow.  That was the most AMAZING issue of a magazine I'd every bought, with a ton of great patterns.
  • Blackbird Shawl.  I just love it. I don't know what to say when I look at it.
  • Chameleon by Hansi Singh, to make for Stephanie, who lost her chameleon to kidney problems...
  • Crafty Detour's CSI Most wanted... honestly, I've been waiting to buy this!
  • A 65 pack of felt squares from Lupin Handmade - a great blog, and they sell rainbows!
  • This bag from Rue 21. It's the bag I've been looking for! 
  • This shawl - though, the more I look at it, the more I think I could rig something up that was similar.


  1. Happy Birthday! You're brave to move so far out on our own, it'll take some time, but you'll meet some new friends.

    That blackbird shawl is beautiful .... added it to my queue!

  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Happy birthday! Sounds like a good day!

  4. Buon compleanno! (Happy birthday)

    Have a good one. :)

  5. Happy Birthday! Sorry that you are not with friends and family, maybe a new friend to share a drink with? My son turned 21 yesterday. Hope your day is fabulous.

  6. Happy birthday!!!! :D The bunny is verrryyy cute :3

  7. Ahhh Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope you had a lovely day, Alyssa.
    -hug hug-

  8. Happy Birthday! Love love love the pictures of Lilac. Bun birthday pictures forever!

  9. I do read you blog Birthday girl. SOrry the bday was bittersweet.
    I LOVE your possible buys!

  10. Happy (belated) birthday! Your little bun-bun is adorable! :)


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