Friday, January 7, 2011

Strides in Quilting

I worked for six hours today, then spent two hours sewing.  While it doesn't feel like I've accomplished much, I have hit two milestones today.

First, I finished cutting the 40 edge pieces! I realize that I will probably need to go and find more fabric (Maybe twice as much, since I want to use this color for the back.)


Then, I finished cutting the pieces for my first flower! Yup, this is flower one of 25.


This quilt is going to be HUGE. Really, really big - but that's good, right?


I started cutting the pieces for the second flower, but my hands started to to hurt.  The rotary cutter is not so good for your wrists, I guess.

Now I'm off to eat veggie lasagna and perhaps some bananas foster afterwards :)  I've done so much today, it feel great!

1 comment:

  1. This confirms for me that quilting is just as hard as it looks, lol. All that cutting! Glad you got so much done.


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