Friday, December 31, 2010

My Year in Knitting

2010 Montage

It was a truly prolific year for me this year! Wow! I finished 36 projects, some that I blogged and some that I didn't. 

3 Pairs of Slippers
4 Pairs of Socks
9 Hats
12 Stuffies
26 Hearts for Charity
6 Hats for Charity

Wow... I'm amazed at all the work I did. Can you pick out the projects that were a secret up until now? (Hint:  There's 5.)


  1. Woooooooow you've accomplished a lot more a lot cuter stuff that a long shot! I need to get to work!

  2. Wow, how VERY prolific you were, good for you! I can only hope to do the same (or even half) next year.


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